Friday, December 25, 2009

My thoughts and us now

Bekah my amazing strong roommate
James meeting Santa for first time
Best shot of open gifts
Little Zoey dear sleeping
Me after getting ready for my Christmas eve dinner of "godless Chinese" (Jon Taylor says)
Jonathan and our darling niece Kira Christmas 2009 in NC

Well I suppose its about time that I post something since I am now living in California and Jonathan is in Virgina. Merry Christmas to all since its today and all. Well lets see. James and I are loving it here, we have a wonderful little puppy named Zoey. She is such a sweetie. A joy to have, and a great snuggle buddy. We also have a roommate, who's husband is on deployment until next month at some point. So we are fairing quite well. Us two gals, our dogs and James. She is quite busy between church, school and work. I will take what little time we get. James is doing really well. He loves having Jack and Saddie to play with ( the parents to my puppy) and Bek too. I he talking up a storm and kissing mama all the time ( I make him mind you, but still lol). He is just as smart as ever and is growing up way way way too fast. He is nineteen and a half months old. I am meeting a couple about nanning for them sometime next week. I really hope that I get it so that James can have a little friend and so that we can have a little more of a side income as well as an outlet. I am waiting also on my refurral for my colposkyopy. I will up date you all as soon as I know something about that. I have been having too many migraines so I have recently been put on some new meds that are helping maybe... it maybe too soon to tell. I really hope that they get ride of them though... I had 10 - 12 in about 12 days. Mind you my stress level has been something that I have been choosing to not deal with. I refuse to deal with how much I miss my husband (until I had my break down a week and a half ago lol). MY father in law told me today that I put out a really tough exterior but underneath it, he knows I am really soft on the inside. I make fun of Jonathan for that very thing. Hahaha, I guess in the end, I am the same. Well thats is about it other than Jonathan is really missing his wife and son. We have been apart for over two months now. He is in North Carolina now with Cam, Nikki, and Kira having a blast. I am so glad that they are close by. He will be on hold soon, so James and I will go to him hopefully. After that, Jon will go to Maryland.... than here to Cali!!!! I love that I can eat a popsicle in the end of December, just put on a jacket and be fine going to the store. Well thank you for listening to the rantings and ravings again

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