Wednesday, May 27, 2009

James and his mohawk

For those of you who would like to see his new hair cut here ye go :D

Our family 5/27/09

I know its been quite a while since I have written so I shall at last fill you in to the best of my knowledge.

As of right now, Jon is almost done with school and feeling much better about things to do with that. Which also means, we could get transferred to our new house sooner than October. Look out Cali here we come!!! Jon is still talking about one day doing Law school, as you all know he mostly works his way through the thought. He has brought it up several times and maybe seriously considering it. He is loving his time home with his family and loving that James is also turning into a daddy's boy :D

James just turned one and is loving screaming at me at just about EVERYTHING!! He is also trying to break out of his crib! He is always trying to help me out and pull everything I could ever need and more out of the kitchen cupboards lol. I just went to check on him and he was into his towel drawer and had pulled them all out and sittin on them. Silly boy. He has learned how to say "I do" and "I do it" and in the right places. He is just about to take off runnin too!!! Look out world. He HATES the vacuum cleaner hahahah My little helper is pullin out all the dvds we own..... love his help. Where would I be with out him. We took him to the park the other day and went down a few slides.. don't really think he liked that much. Then we pushed him on a baby swing... he had a love hate relationship with it lol

Me, well lets see I just got back from a trip to Utah and Idaho( about a month) lol and have since had a kidney infection caused by e coli. I pretty much wanted to die!! The worst pain I have ever been in in my life!!! I have been busting my butt to clean the heck out of my house and are having four ladies over for a late breakfast today... I am meeting new ladies and liking Chicago more and more each passing day. I went on a date with one of the other wives last friday for dinner and a movie, IT WAS AMAZING!!! We have decided to do it every two weeks... I also got a unlimited pass to go tannin and a ESPRESSO MAKER for moms day :D
Well thats all I can think of now lol enjoy some pictures and the little bit of in site to my life :D